hope chest

Our goal at Hope Chest is to demonstrate the love of Christ and serve families in our community by sharing gently used children's clothing and shoes free of charge.

Kids grow so fast! Clothes are expensive. Hope Chest's purpose is to offer families the opportunity to receive gently used clothing (regardless of income level) ranging from Newborn all the way up through Men's M and Women's M (including maternity). These clothes are available for people in our local community and anyone else (whether it be across the country or overseas) to enjoy!

How does Hope Chest Work?

  If you are interested in coming to get clothes for yourself, or your family: 

We are open the first Sunday of the month after the service at 12 P.M. and also the third Thursday of the month from 2:00-4:00 P.M. 

You can contact:

Fayette Baptist Church Office @ (207) 685-9492 or email  office@fayettebaptistchurch.org


Clothing can be donated anytime! We have a building located right behind the Church and there is a clothing drop box in front of the building. Just place your clothes in there and go! No appointment needed!!

We sort the clothes by size, gender and season (spring/summer and fall/winter). We accept children's sizes preemie/newborn through Juniors. We are not able to accept adult clothing, except sizes that would fit teens (XS, SM or M). 

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